Monday, July 30, 2012

Leadership Conference 2012

The IAAE/ Department of Education Leadership Conference 2012 was two days with the most wonderful young teachers from all disciplines and areas of Iowa.  The conference gave these emerging leaders the opportunity to involve themselves in dialog and activities. The event brought their talent for leadership to the surface, revealing the potential they have for future involvement  in their regional and state-wide disciplined-based education organizations. The young leaders in education saw the potential and placed their names forward for involvement.

Much thanks to the outstanding contribution by Leon Kuehner, IAAE; Rosanne Malek, Iowa Department of Education; Dawn Martinez Oropeza, Iowa Arts Council; and David Law, IAAE, for their wisdom and challenges all during the two days. IAAE was proud to be a sponsor of this valuable experience for emerging educational leaders.

And our thanks to Larry Brandstetter, Conference Coordinator.

Read comments by some of those young leaders...