and Arts Education in Iowa
and download The K-8 General Music Iowa Core Alignment.pdf from the IAAE Legislative Resources page.
...All AP (Advanced Placement) classes deserve to be included in the RAI (Regents Admission Index). We understand that the RAI Score is a formula which determines automatic acceptance to Iowa's State Universities. It is also a factor in determining scholarships for our students. The index combines four factors deemed most valid in predicting success at regent universities: ACT or SAT test score, high school rank, high school cumulative grade-point average, and the number of completed high school core courses.
Almost all AP classes are included in this formula. However, AP Art History, AP studio classes, AP Music classes and AP Computer Sciences classes are excluded because they are not "core" courses....
Sir Ken Robinson is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation, human potential and the people side of organizations. One of his speaking topics is “How to Profit from Diversity”. His 2006 talk at the TED conference is the most-watched video in TED history—more than 5 million downloads—and a brilliant example of his extraordinary speaking style; a perfect balance of content, anecdotes and humor. Read more... |
This is not the last time we will hear the specious argument that funding the arts agency will compete with money for education, law enforcement, and health care. In fact, arts funding contributes to all those public purposes and state arts agencies are highly competitive in terms of cost effectiveness for the public dollar. We know the public cost of a high school dropout and we know that including the arts in the curriculum will help all students learn better and will keep them coming to classes. We know the costs of incarceration and we have known for decades that arts activities significantly reduce both violent incidents and recidivism rates. We know the costs of medication and falls and social isolation for the elderly, and we have solid research that arts activities significantly reduce all of these.
"While we found a growing body of research to support positive educational outcomes associated with arts-rich schools, and many schools and programs engaged in such work, we also found enormous variety in the delivery of arts education, resulting in a complex patchwork with pockets of visionary activity flourishing in some locations and inequities in access to arts education increasing in others."Read their report...
WHEN we don’t get the results we want in our military endeavors, we don’t blame the soldiers. We don’t say, “It’s these lazy soldiers and their bloated benefits plans! That’s why we haven’t done better in Afghanistan!”This New York Times Op-Ed contributor piece is by Dave Eggers and NÃnive Clements Calegari, founders of the 826 National tutoring centers and producers of the documentary “American Teacher.” Published: April 30, 2011